Load Balancers is a method used by my websites and organizations to distribute network or application traffic or load upon a cluster of servers. This way, Application or website operates effectively and can maintain it's uptime, using load balancers increases the reliability with better responsiveness.
When load/traffic increases the load balancer immediately send the traffic to a new server to maintain speed and uptime. in general, there are two categories of load balancers:
- Layer 4 (L4) load balancers, these are also known as DNS load balancers
- Layer 7 (L7) load balancers, these are also known as HTTP load balancers
Normally, if a single host resolves to a number of IP addresses, then it is probably using a load balancer. We will use dig utility in Linux to resolve hostnames into IPs.
root@kali:~# dig google.com
;google.com. IN A
google.com. 53 IN A
google.com. 53 IN A
google.com. 53 IN A
google.com. 53 IN A
google.com. 53 IN A
google.com. 53 IN A
;; Query time: 2 msec
There is Script in Kali Linux called Load Balancer Detector (lbd) which could be used for detecting load balancers. lbd is capable of detecting DNS and HTTPs load balancers. It analyzes application response data to detect load balancers. note: this is not 100% accurate and we are doing this for educational purposes only.
root@kali:~# lbd www.facebook.com
lbd - load balancing detector 0.4 - Checks if a given domain uses load-balancing.
Written by Stefan Behte (http://ge.mine.nu)
Proof-of-concept! Might give false positives.
Checking for DNS-Loadbalancing: NOT FOUND
Checking for HTTP-Loadbalancing [Server]:
Checking for HTTP-Loadbalancing [Date]: 08:44:27, 08:44:28, 08:44:29, 08:44:29, 08:44:30, 08:44:32, 08:44:33,
08:44:34, 08:44:35, 08:44:35, 08:44:36, 08:44:36, 08:44:38, 08:44:39, 08:44:40, 08:44:41, 08:44:41, 08:44:43,
08:44:45, 08:44:45, 08:44:45, 08:44:47, 08:44:47, 08:44:48, 08:44:54, 08:44:55, 08:44:56, 08:44:57, 08:44:58,
08:44:58, 08:44:59, 08:45:00, 08:45:00, 08:45:01, 08:45:01, 08:45:01, 08:45:02, 08:45:03, 08:45:04, 08:45:05,
08:45:05, 08:45:06, 08:45:07, 08:45:08, 08:45:08, 08:45:09, 08:45:09, 08:45:10, 08:45:11, 08:45:12, 08:45:12, NOT FOUND
Checking for HTTP-Loadbalancing [Diff]: FOUND
< X-FB-Debug: 8xBgmXzvJ352lqVLYzCI9dd8/VnVDB6uF8TmRYcRZglKbldcvqoIThijavdk+8FVW3uwjieu5U+QY71wyRqy5g==
> X-FB-Debug: GhBpfAttwVxgYGZxnfObInwB+FglNUT1ddBbRSFjlxJmUpmT7pDV7FfQC4B0upZx+h4XBBdnMK7Xg62/CF3s7g==
www.facebook.com does Load-balancing. Found via Methods: HTTP[Diff]
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Article last updated: November 6, 2023